Osipenko Evgeny Vladislavovich


Head of the Department

Place of work

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Academic title


In 2005 he graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the EE "Francisk Skorina Gomel State University", in 2006 - the magistracy

In 2009 he graduated from the postgraduate study of the GSU. In 2013 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (RF) on the topic "The content and orientation of physical culture and health-improving classes with younger students in extended day groups" (supervisor - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Sevdalev S.V. ).


Disciplines taught

 Sports metrology, physical education (non-core specialties).

Scientific interests

Theory and methodology of physical culture, computer programs for monitoring the physical condition of students.


  • Laureate of the competition of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee on the results of scientific and innovative activities (Gomel, Belarus, 2011).
  • Laureate of Skorinin Readings (Gomel, Belarus, 2013).
  • Fellow of the President of the Republic of Belarus as a young scientist (2014).
  • Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book in 2016 (Sochi, Russia, 2017).
  • Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2018 (Sochi, Russia, 2019).

Main publications

1. Osipenko, EV Mental working capacity of schoolchildren living in the conditions of the Gomel region: monograph / EV Osipenko. Osipenko. - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Gomel State un-t them. F. Skaryna. - Gomel: GSU im. F. Skaryna, 2012 .-- 388 p.

2. Osipenko, E.V. The program of physical culture and health-improving classes during the sports hour (for students of grades 2-4, attending an extended day group): curriculum / E.V. Osipenko. - Smolensk: OOO Print-Express, 2013. - 20 p. 

3. Osipenko, E.V. Improving the function of external respiration in younger schoolchildren: monograph / E.V. Osipenko, S.V. Sevdalev. - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Gomel State un-t them. F. Skaryna. - Gomel: GSU im. F. Skaryna, 2013 .-- 212 p.

4. Osipenko, E.V. Modern methods in monitoring the psychophysical state of schoolchildren and students: section 2.3 in a collective monograph / E.V. Osipenko. - Problems of health-improving physical culture and physical rehabilitation: monograph / ed. A.P. Romanchuk, V.V. Klapchuk. - Odessa: Bukaev Vadim Viktorovich, 2015. - pp. 116–127.

5. Osipenko, E.V. Monitoring of the physical condition of schoolchildren and students: recommended by the federal state autonomous institution "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" as a teaching aid for use in the educational process of educational organizations implementing higher education programs / E.V. Osipenko, V.S. Makeeva, V.N. Pushkin. - Gomel state un-t them. F. Skaryna. - M .: RadioSoft, 2016 .-- 320 p. 

6. Osipenko, E.V. The impact of aerobic exercises on the physical condition of students of general secondary education institutions: section 1.6 in a collective monograph / E.V. Osipenko. - Organizational foundations of physical culture, sports and tourism: monograph / under total. ed. S.I. Izaak, V.K. Pelmeneva, N.S. Nikitin. - Kaliningrad: IKBFU Publishing House I. Kant, 2016. - pp. 80–90.

7. Osipenko, E.V. Scientific and methodological approaches to the organization of sports hours in extended day groups: monograph / E.V. Osipenko, S.V. Sevdalev. - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Gomel State un-t them. F. Skaryna. - Gomel: GSU im. F. Skaryna, 2016 .-- 407 p.

8. Osipenko, E.V. Cardiorespiratory system: adaptation. monitoring, correction: monograph / E.V. Osipenko. - Smolensk: OOO Print-Express, 2018. - 323 p.

9. Osipenko, E.V. Improvement of physical education of pupils and students in modern conditions / E.V. Osipenko // Vesnik Grodzenskaga dzyarzhaunaga onіversiteta name Y. Kupala. Gray 3. Philology. Pedagogy. Psychology. - 2019. - T. 9, No. 2. - S. 127-136.

10. Osipenko, E.V. Physical culture and health improvement work with students in the "School-University" system / A.V. Lytkin, E. D. Mitusova, E.V. Osipenko // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training - scientific and methodological journal of the Russian Academy of Education of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIFK). - 2020. - No. 3. - S. 46–48. 

11. Osipenko, E.V. Mental performance of students in extended day groups / E.V. Osipenko // Bulletin of the F. Skorina Gomel State University (scientific and industrial-practical journal). - 2020. - No. 5 (122). - S. 44–48. 

12. Osipenko. E.V. Actualization of the incidence rate of schoolchildren and students of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation / E.V. Osipenko // Actual problems of physical culture and sports in modern socio-economic conditions: mater. international scientific. practice. conf. - FSBEI HE "Chuvash State Agricultural Academy", Cheboksary, 2020. - pp. 427–430.