Melnikov Sergey Viktorovich


Teacher responsible for working with undergraduates

Place of work

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture

Academic degree

Master of Science in Education

General information

Born on April 13, 1988 in Gomel.


Graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education of the EE “Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna "in 2010 (specialty" Physical culture ").

From 2010 to 2011 he studied at the magistracy of the G. F. Skaryna, specialty 1-88004 "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture." He defended his master's thesis on "Organization of rehabilitation treatment for patients with chronic lung diseases."

In 2015 he graduated from the postgraduate study of the G. F. Skaryna, specialty 13.00.04 "Theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture." The topic of the dissertation research is "Management of sports training of highly qualified swimmers on the basis of stage control data" (supervisor - Ph.D., associate professor Narskin A.G.).

Professional way

Since 2013, he has been an employee of the Olympic Sports Research Laboratory. Research interests:
Currently, she is a teacher at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture.

Supervises teaching practice, coursework and diploma works of students. Responsible at the faculty for the preparation of undergraduates.

Author of over 70 scientific and methodological works in the field of sports training, physical therapy, physical rehabilitation.

Disciplines taught

“Physiology”, “Health-improving and adaptive physical culture”, “Therapeutic physical culture and massage”, as well as disciplines of specializations “Fundamentals of physical rehabilitation”, “Fundamentals of therapeutic physical culture and massage”.

Scientific interests

Sports training, training of athletes of various qualifications, health-improving and therapeutic physical culture.

Main publications

1. Narskin, G.I. On the problem of optimization of the training process of highly qualified rowers-academics at the stages of the annual training cycle / G.I. Narskin, A.G. Narskin, S.V. Melnikov // Applied sports science. - 2018. - No. 1 (7). - P. 20–26

2. Melnikov, S.V. Normative levels of functional readiness of highly qualified swimmers-sprinters / S.V. Melnikov, A.G. Narskin // World of Sports. - 2018. - No. 3 (72). - P. 16–20

3. Tozik, O.V. Physical culture health-improving systems: a practical guide / O.V. Tozik, S.V. Melnikov. - Gomel: Gomel state. un-t them. F. Skaryna, 2018 .-- 43 p.

4. Narskin G.I. On the question of building long-term training of athletes in rowing and not only / G.I. Narskin, A.G. Narskin, S.V. Melnikov // Sports on the water. - 2018. - No. 4 (102). - S. 22–23.

5. Melnikov S.V., Narskin A.G. Analysis of the structure of training loads of highly qualified swimmers-sprinters in the pre-Olympic training cycle. Physical culture and sports in the system of higher education: materials of the V International. scientific method. Conf in 2 volumes. Vol. 2. Olympic movement, TRP and student sport / editorial board: N.А. Krasulina et al. - Ufa: USPTU Publishing House, 2017.- P. 138-142.

6. Melnikov S.V., Narskin A.G. The dynamics of physical fitness of highly qualified swimmers-sprinters in the annual macrocycle / Sports and tourism: administration and development (STAR-2017) materials of the International scientific and practical conference. Kaliningrad (Russia), October 13-15, 2017. - Kaliningrad: IKBFU Publishing House I. Kant, 2017. - pp. 119–126.

7. Melnikov S.V., Narskin A.G., Vrublevsky E.P., Kostyuchenko V.F., Orekhov E.F. The efficiency of using the vital capacity of the lungs in swimmers of various specializations. - Scientific notes of the P.F. Lesgaft. - 2016. - No. 2 (132). - S. 135-139.

8. Kostyuchenko V.F., Narskin A.G., Melnikov S. Coefficient of realization of vital capacity of the lungs as a criterion for the performance of athletes / Athletics collection of scientific and methodological works. Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation; National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F.Lesgaft, St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 2016.S. 43-51.

9. Narskin G.I., Narskin A.G., Melnikov S.V. Belarusian coaches are able to lead their students to the heights of Olympus. - Sports on the water. - 2016. - No. 4 (94). - S. 2-3.

10. Melnikov S.V., Narskin A.G. The use of ergospirometry as a means of staged control in sports swimming / Man, health, physical culture and sport in a changing world: materials of the XXVI international scientific and practical conference on the problems of physical education of students / Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region GOU V MO "State Social Humanitarian University [and others .] - Kolomna: GSGU, 2016. - pp. 96–100.